Soon to appear more regularly in the Shire Works blog are a series of posts showcasing a behind the scenes look at the work that goes into a miniature; from assembly all the way to its fully painted stage. We begin this series with the Marvel Universe miniature from
Knight Models i.e. The Hulk. Even at 1/28th scale this resin model kit is huge, measuring in at roughly 90 mm in width and height. From the resin parts supplied, either a Red, Green or Grey Hulk can be assembled. In this case, the more well known Green Hulk was our choice.
Knight Models The Hulk, separate resin parts prior to assembly |
To remove possible coating of release agents, resin parts are washed and left to dry |
Be it resin or metal miniatures, it is always advisable to wash the separate parts prior to assembly. This helps to remove 'release agents' that could be coating the miniature, which in turn prevents acrylic paint from adhering properly to the surface. (Note: Release agents are chemicals used to separate the resin/metal miniature from its mould)
The Hulk assembled with Super Glue after its individual parts have dried |
Some putty (green stuff) is used to fill some small gaps found in the miniature |
After The Hulk was assembled, some putty, or green stuff, was used to fill noticeable gaps in the miniature. If done correctly, the putty would seem like part of the miniature itself after a layer of primer coat has been applied. (Please check out the
previous blog post for a quick tip on priming as this particular stage is not shown for The Hulk). Following the application of a coat of primer, The Hulk's skin is painted up in progressively smoother and lighter greens.
Hulk Skin Tone Step 1: After priming and a basecoat of dark green |
Hulk Skin Tone Step 2: Adding a midtone of olive-like green |
Hulk Skin Tone Step 3: Adding highlights (bright greens bordering on yellow) and smoothening out colour transitions |
Next was painting of The Hulk's torn-up pants to resemble the texture of denim. This involved using blue and grey acrylic paints as well as a blue wash. Blue paints of varying hues laid down a foundation of the jean's general colour. Meanwhile, the blues mixed with greys were applied in crosshatch-like brush strokes to mimic denim texture as well as applied on the raised folds of the jeans to indicate highlights. For a more detailed look at how The Hulk's pants were painted as denim jeans, please click
The Hulk with his blue denim jeans |
Last but not least, details on The Hulk's face, the boulder on his right hand and the base he is standing on was painted to finish up the paint job. Both the boulder and base were painted primarily using dry brushing techniques while the face was delicately painted using very fine Kolinsky Sable brushes which are well suited to highly detailed work. To cap off the entire colour scheme, The Hulk's hair was painted in a very dark shade of green.
The Hulk (Knight Models), completed |
For a 360 degrees view of The Hulk, please click on the YouTube video below. Please don't forget to choose the HD quality option for the best view of this Knight Models miniature in its completed form. The Hulk was painted by Shire Works' resident painter Kuan Hua aka FourEyedMonster whose personal blog showcasing his work can be seen on this
This wraps up our first post of the brand new series. Do keep a lookout for more in the future as we take turns peeking behind the scenes at miniatures from the Knight Models, Nocturna Models and Ax Faction product lines. If you are interested in any of the three brands stated, please visit the respective products tabs shown in the bar below the banner.
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